Girl’s Survival Guide: How to deal with Menstrual Cramps?

When it comes to the menstrual cycle, we often immediately remember the pain in many different body parts such as the head, back, and abdomen during the cycle. Regardless of the pain in different parts, we have probably experienced a bout of severe cramping that even brought us to tears. I also went through a similar situation and luckily I found useful tips to help me “survive” these pains. Now, it’s time for you to know these tips to deal with menstrual cramps!

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Girl's survival guide

Warming era is a pro tip to survive menstrual cramps

Not gonna lie, this is actually a useful tip to help me survive menstrual cramps! It is essential to know that the female body is susceptible to colds during menstruation because of the hormone estrogen’s influence. In particular, when this cycle begins, estrogen levels are high, which dilates blood vessels. Therefore, blood circulates along the vessel walls to warm the skin surface of the whole body. As a result, the female body temperature increases. Nonetheless, when estrogen levels drop, blood vessels constrict and blood circulation throughout the body decreases. Consequently, our bodies as well as hands and feet become cold easily. On the other hand, reduced blood circulation to the lower abdomen is the main cause of menstrual cramps. Therefore, living in the warming era during menstruation is crucial to help us cope with menstrual cramps.

Apply warm compresses to the abdomen

This is a common and traditional method that we used to hear once in our lives. Indeed, it is extremely useful, especially for those with severe cramps. I recommend the following kinds of hot packs that I found it effective:

  • Common hot water bag: you will heat water from outside and then pour it into the bag.
  • Electric hot water bag: you just need to pour cold water into the bag, plug it in, and wait about 5 minutes, the water in the bag will boil. It is quite similar to heating water with an electric kettle.

Both products can be purchased on e-commerce platforms. Currently, I am using the electric hot water bag which was bought on Shein at an affordable price. You can refer to many different stores to choose the product that best suits you.

Take a warm bath

Always make sure you take a warm bath during your period because it will help improve blood circulation as well as your mental state. This helps relieve menstrual cramps better.

Keep the body warm from the inside

The most effective and cost-saving method to keep the body warm from the inside is drinking warm drinks! Here are some suggestions that may help you overcome the menstrual cramps:

  • Ginger water mixed with honey: ginger is a hot food, so it will help warm the belly, balance hormones in the body, and regulate the menstrual cycle. In addition, the antioxidants in ginger will help soothe and regulate the contractions of uterine smooth muscle.
  • Cinnamon water mixed with honey: cinnamon with polyphenol antioxidants and oregano is effective to regulate the function of the ovaries and uterus, helping to control uterine contractions and minimize sudden contractions.
  • Green tea: this drink contains antioxidants and supports better blood circulation, which soothes abdominal pain and aches. But don’t use it frequently because green tea contains 30% acid tannic, which leads to iron shortage.
  • Chrysanthemum tea: this drink contains a chemical called glycine that reduces uterine muscle contractions, thereby reducing menstrual cramps. Besides, Chrysanthemum tea helps reduce swelling due to its anti-inflammatory properties, reducing bloating.
  • Hot chocolate: chocolate, especially dark chocolate, contains magnesium and serotonin, which reduce pain symptoms and improve mood. Noticeably, please choose chocolate containing more than 70% cacao and avoid overconsuming because it may cause tired feeling.

Don’t forget to live in the healthy era

Due to strong hormonal changes during menstruation, we are usually unstable both physically and mentally. Therefore, adopting a healthy lifestyle at this time is crucial to deal with unpleasant symptoms.

Not to use coffee or anything contains caffeine

Drinks containing caffeine will make premenstrual symptoms such as lower abdominal pain, chest tightness, and pelvic pain… become more severe. Drinking a lot of drinks containing caffeine during menstruation will make women tired, increase blood pressure and heart rate, and easily fall into a state of stress and anxiety, making symptoms of menstrual cramps more serious.

Before I discovered this, I always drank coffee during my period and was horrified when my abdomen pain became more intense. Until I started quitting coffee because I suspected it was the cause of the pain, the cramps gradually subsided. Recently, I have been using green tea and Chrysanthemum tea during my period.

Have a healthy diet

Please be the healthiest version of yourself during the period because this will help you a lot to survive menstrual cramps. Try not to consume cold food, spicy and fatty food, and stimulants (alcohol, caffeine, beer, wine, cigarettes) because they will make menstrual cramps worse. Instead, I recommend consuming fruits and vegetables, salmon, egg, celery, red meat, and papaya. Besides, dark chocolate (containing >85% cacao) is also a good choice for your dessert to improve blood circulation.

Walk short distances

To be honest, I am not an exercise enthusiast. Therefore, when it came to exercising during the period, I was reluctant because I did not want to get more tired. Nonetheless, I tried walking short distances instead of yoga or another exercise and I found it useful to control menstrual cramps. For that reason, I recommend, as the lazy one to exercise, that you should walk at least 1.5 km per day. This light exercise not only improves blood circulation but also helps your mind feel more comfortable.

Keep a comfortable mind

Although menstrual cramps are caused by uterine contractions, keeping a comfortable mind can help reduce these discomfort. In particular, our bodies tend to contract muscle groups, including abdominal muscles when it comes to being stressed. Thus, when relaxing and keeping your mind at ease, these muscles relax, helping to reduce pressure and pain. In addition, a stable mentality will increase your body’s pain threshold, reducing sensitivity to pain.

Some lovely reminders to you

You need to know that menstrual cramps will always appear during our menstrual cycle with varying frequency and pain. Usually, these pains will occur about 2 days before menstruation and 3 days during menstruation. Therefore, paying attention to the symptoms and pain is extremely important so we can treat the pain promptly and properly.

Personally, I do not recommend you to use painkillers because they have side effects that affect liver function as well as drug resistance if used in overdose and improperly.
In case you cannot control unusual and severe pain despite trying many methods, you should see a doctor or health consultant for the most effective and safe treatment.

The Sunday Snug hopes this article will be helpful and wishes all the best to you!