Get Rid Of The Prejudices From The Internet

Social networks seem to be an essential part of life. They not only help us entertain and study but also keep in touch with loved ones. But have you ever felt “overwhelmed” and self-conscious because you are inferior to your online peers who always show off their achievements? Or have you ever felt uncomfortable and doubted yourself because of the standards and models shaped by social networks? The above signs show that you have been “manipulated” by social networks and I call them prejudices from the internet.

In this article, The Sunday Snug will point out some common prejudices that have negative impacts on our minds. And of course, we need to get rid of them immediately!

If you would love to nurture mindfulness, here are some useful suggestions for you: Lucky Vicky – An Amazing Positive Mindset You Need To Know, Am I Too Sensitive? The Power of Embracing Your Sensitivity, and It’s Okay To Be Messy: Break Free From Perfectionism Cycle.


Wrong prejudices from the internet

Must be talented

It is not difficult to encounter lots of people who are so talented that can earn copious of money monthly on the internet. That’s great, but we need to be aware that the internet is the place where people try their best to show off the most beautiful things and things that they want. Boasting about one’s own achievements is a good thing because it shows pride in your efforts, and others are inspired and motivated by it. However, consuming too much such content will make us feel more self-conscious and depressed about ourselves. Thoughts like “why am I not as excellent as them?”, “my achievements are so small and insignificant compared to them” will continually pop up in your mind. The consequence of these thoughts is low self-esteem and self-doubt, leading to self-limitation of one’s abilities.

And what’s worse is when we risk everything because of ambition, hurting and trampling others. Is it worth it?

Must have a wide connection on social networks

“Must connect with a lot of people”, “the more relationships we have will help us have more opportunities”. These words are familiar, aren’t they? We have hundreds, even thousands of friends on social networks. But have we ever wondered how many people really care about us and how many relationships are really helpful for us?

It’s ridiculous that we have so many connections on social networks but the number of real friends is not much. And what’s worse is that we only focus on those “virtual” relationships and forget about the people who really love and care about us.

And what’s more? We spend lots of time socializing on the internet but feel disturbed when calling parents and relatives. We connect with each other by appearance, material things, and achievements instead of our core values and characteristics. Well, maybe now you and I have something in our mind about this prejudice.

Must be successful at a young age

In this day and age, there are lots of people who succeed at a very young age. That’s admirable! Nonetheless, will people who have not been successful before 30 will be seen as a failure? The answer is never!

It is so ridiculous to mock someone if they have not succeeded at a young age. Please keep in mind that everyone has a different starting point and finish line. Perhaps we get used to these words: “Obama retired at 55, Trump started at 70”. Yes, there is no definition as well as age limitation for “success”. Just because they can succeed at a young age does not mean we can. And just because we are not successful at a young age does not mean we are a failure. Be alert and take a deep breath to be clearly aware of yourself and reality.

Run after other people’s lives

Since we were a child, we were taught to learn and follow people with good qualities. However, has anyone taught us to learn and follow in moderation? We often blindly pursue lifestyles that we consider good and modern. But we forget that our conditions, circumstances, and abilities are still limited. Once again, please keep in mind that everyone has a different life. Therefore, we do not need to blindly learn and follow strictly others’ lives.

The more busy, the more efficient

It is common to see videos about spending several hours working and studying non-stop. Or there are people who post extremely busy schedules with no time to rest. Or worse, there are some people who criticize those who are not busy are lazy. Many people assume that being busier proves that they are productive in working and studying.

However, did you know that according to a 2023 survey, nearly 2,900 people in Japan died from overwork? And this phenomenon is called “Karoshi”. Besides, have you read articles about overwork culture and its harmful effects? If you would like to read more about these issues: Karoshi – Japanese Working Culture and Overwork Culture.

This prejudice from the internet has shaped a “busy culture” in our mind, which leads to the misunderstanding of “productivity”. Productivity is expressed by the efficiency. The more productive you are, the more value you will create at the same time. Just because you have a busy schedule doesn’t justify your productivity. A truly productive person will manage their time and balance work and rest.

Another thing to keep in mind: we live to enjoy life, not to devote ourselves to work to death.

Love must always go hand in hand with sexual intimacy

I have no idea when this thought began and became widespread. In my opinion, this prejudice from the internet is extremely toxic. Love is a sacred and precious thing that comes from our own souls. Therefore, being forced to have sexual intimacy in love unintentionally reduces the value of love. And what’s worse about having this mindset is finding love through appearance instead of the partner’s values.

Besides, sexual intimacy should be left to the couple. And this should be voluntary on both sides when they are willing and ready for it. Nobody has a right to judge and impose such nonsense prejudice on your romantic relationship.

Time to reshape your mind

After getting rid of those prejudices from the internet, we should start to reshape our minds and live in reality rather than a virtual life.

Be yourself – Focus on your life – Be your better version

To avoid being swayed or distracted by the prejudices from the internet, we need to be ourselves first: know who we are, understand our values, and what we aim at. Focus on our life: be aware of what should we do, make a plan to achieve our goals, and never stop improving ourselves day by day. Moreover, be your better version both intellectually and spiritually: never stop learning because the more knowledge you have, the more brilliant and colorful your life will be. In addition, always love and treat everyone with kindness because kindness is always the beginning of all good things.

Quality is over quantity

In lieu of living in a hurry and caught up in the whirlwind of times, try slowing down. When we slow down, we will realize the lovely aspects of life, which we would have passed by if we lived fast. Furthermore, slowing down helps us focus on improving the quality of our lives, ensuring the values ​​we create are always sustainable. In relationships, always prioritize quality rather than quantity. Get rid of unnecessary relationships and pay more attention to your loved ones.

“At any given moment, public opinion is a chaos of superstition, misinformation and prejudice.” – Gore Vidal